Cyberschool: JuneBug Unit: Bee  Fingerplay and Song



Here's the Beehive
Here's the beehive, but where are the bees? (Make a fist)
They're are hiding away so nobody sees.
Soon they'll come creeping out of their hive,
One, two, three, four, five.  Buzzz (Hold up fingers as you count)

I'm Taking Home a Baby Bumble Bee
I'm taking home a baby bumble bee.
Won't my mama be so proud of me?
I'm taking home a baby bumble bee.
Ouch, he stung me! (clasp hands as if holding bee)
I'm smashing up a baby bumble bee.
Won't my mama be so proud of me?
I'm smashing up a baby bumble bee.
Oh, it's all over me.(smash one hand into the other cupped hand and twist)
I'm wiping off a baby bumble bee.
Won't my mama be so proud of me?
I'm wiping off a baby bumble bee.
Oh, it's all over me.(wipe hands on clothing)(hold hands out as if dirty)

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