 Cyberschool:  Playground Rules


Playground Rules


  1. Children who want to swing must stand on the fence and wait for their turn.
  2. Children must sit in swings and “pump” themselves.  If threes have not learned to pump, we only give them three pushes per turn and they cannot have a repeat turn until all who want to swing have had a turn.  There will be no pushing after Thanksgiving.
  3. Children are not allowed to run through the swings and must stay a safe distance from the front of the swings.
  4. Children are never to jump out of the swings.
  5. Children must swing straight and cannot twist up the chains to go for a spin.
  6. If sliding, children must climb the ladder using both hands and sit on their bottoms with feet extended.  They are never to go down head first or lie down while sliding.  They cannot go off over the side.
  7. No one can stand at the bottom of the slide.
  8. First child must be off the end of the slide before the next child slides down.
  9. Sand in sand pile is never to be thrown or held above the ground.
  10. When playing on fort, children must climb the ladder carefully.  Only three can be on fort at one time.  Of course, they cannot jump off the fort.
  11. Any infraction will result in a time-out or if infractions continue they will not get to play on playground equipment that day.


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